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How to migrate from SDK JS V1 to SDK JS V2 with Secure Fields - Client-side - Mercado Pago Developers

How to migrate from SDK JS V1 to SDK JS V2 with Secure Fields

Mercado Pago launched Secure Fields, a new security feature to process card payments that is only available in the most current version of the JS SDK and has several benefits such as:

  • Simpler implementation
  • Greater security for your store
  • Ease of obtaining PCI SAQ A certification

In this article we will explain the necessary settings for the migration from using JavaScript SDK in Version 1 to using JavaScript SDK in Version 2 with Secure Fields.

Below we show the main differences between the migration steps.

  • We changed the way to instantiate Mercado Pago;
  • We will no longer use the callback functions of each method, but their return to work with the data;
  • The names of some methods have also undergone some minor changes and these have become clearer in the comparison snippets.
The migration will not affect your backend in any way, the modifications are entirely on the frontend of the application. In addition, this modification affects only the card and does not affect other payment methods, such as PSE.

See below for a comparison of the diagrams.



Changing the script import

The name of the JS file on the CDN has been changed and it will be necessary to modify the script import in the HTML.

  • V1


  • V2


<script src="https://sdk.mercadopago.com/js/v2"></script>

Mercado Pago Instance

As mentioned earlier, the instantiation of Mercado Pago has also changed.

  • V1


  • V2


   const mp = new MercadoPago("YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY");

Creating PCI fields

With Secure Fields, the way the card number, expiration date and security code fields are implemented has changed a bit. With this new proposal much safer, it is not necessary to create input tags for these fields in your HTML, now we will only have to create the divs where the inputs will be rendered and let Mercado Pago send iframes for the fields, as in the examples below.

  • The expiration date in V1


  <input type="text" placeholder="MM" id="cardExpirationMonth" data-checkout="cardExpirationMonth">
  <span class="date-separator">/</span>
  <input type="text" placeholder="YY" id="cardExpirationYear" data-checkout="cardExpirationYear">
  • Card number in V1


<input type="text" id="cardNumber" data-checkout="cardNumber" />
  • Security code in V1


<input id="securityCode" data-checkout="securityCode" type="text" />

Now, with just the divs and the corresponding IDs, it will look like this:

  • The expiration date on the V2


<div id="expirationDate"></div>
  • Card number in V2


<div id="cardNumber"></div>
  • Security code on V2


<div id="securityCode"> </div>

And in addition to the divs, in the case of Secure Fields we will need to inform the MPs where it should mount the inputs. Using the divs above as an example, the script will look like this:


  const cardNumberElement = mp.fields.create('cardNumber', {
  placeholder: "Card Number"

const expirationDateElement = mp.fields.create('expirationDate', {
  placeholder: "MM/YY",

const securityCodeElement = mp.fields.create('securityCode', {
  placeholder: "Security Code"

With that, we now have our secure PCI fields inside the form. For more information on how to configure iframes, please visit our Github.

Get document types

Now getIdentificationTypes returns a promise and the way to populate the select tag has changed.

In the case of SDK V1, the select tag was automatically populated in the select with id='docType', after the getIdentificationTypes() call.

  • V1


   <select id="docType" name="docType" data-checkout="docType" type="text"></select>



In V2 the method call returns a promise with a list of identificationTypes and you should populate the select tag with the ID you want, using the previous example with id='docType', the implementation would look like this:

Knowing that the getIdentificationTypes method is a return a promise and it should be executed right after rendering, one option is to use a IIFE, as in the example below.


 (async function getIdentificationTypes() {
      try {
        const identificationTypes = await mp.getIdentificationTypes();

        const identificationTypeElement = document.getElementById('docType');

        createSelectOptions(identificationTypeElement, identificationTypes);

      } catch (e) {
        return console.error('Error getting identificationTypes: ', e);

function createSelectOptions(elem, options, labelsAndKeys = { label: "name", value: "id" }) {

      const { label, value } = labelsAndKeys;

      heem.options.length = 0;

      const tempOptions = document.createDocumentFragment();

      options.forEach(option => {
        const optValue = option[value];
        const optLabel = option[label];

        const opt ​​= document.createElement('option');
        opt.value = optValue;
        opt.textContent = optLabel;



Get card payment method

Now getPaymentMethod is getPaymentMethods (plural). Still in V1 this method received two parameters, an object containing the bin (first 6 digits of the card still in V1) and a callback function that would be executed in the return of the method.

  • V1


    "bin": bin
}, callbackFn);


document.getElementById('cardNumber').addEventListener('change', guessPaymentMethod);
The bin code in V2 is not just 6 digits, but 8 digits and this change does not interfere with the implementation at all. Also, the code is no longer accessible through the cardNumber component because now there is no longer an input in the field but a div and, inside the div, there is an iframe.

Now, to retrieve the bin we must listen the binChange event that exists in the div where the card number is contained.
  • V2


cardNumberElement.on('binChange', guessPaymentMethod);

The function that will be executed in the binChange event will receive an object containing the bin as a parameter. In V2, this getPaymentMethods is a promise that only receives an object containing the bin as a parameter and returns an object containing an array of payment methods when the promise resolves.


async function getPaymentMethods(data) {
    const { bin } = date
    const { results } = await mp.getPaymentMethods({ bin });
        // The payment id will be in results[0].id

Get issuing bank

Previously, getIssuers received two parameters, the paymentMethodId and a callback function that was executed when the method returned.

  • V1


    paymentMethodId, callBackFn

function callBackFn(status, response) {
    if (status == 200) {
        response.forEach( issuer => {

In V2 this corresponding method is a promise that takes an object containing bin and the paymentMethodId as parameters, returning the issuers when the promise is resolved.

  • V2


async function getIssuers(paymentMethodId, bin) {
    const issuears = await mp.getIssuers({paymentMethodId, bin });

Get number of installments

Previously, getInstallments received two parameters, an object containing the payment_method_id, the amount and the issuer_id, and the other parameter was a callback function that was executed on the method return.

  • V1


       "payment_method_id": paymentMethodId,
       "amount": parseFloat(transactionAmount),
       "issuer_id": parseInt(issuerId)
   }, callbackFn

function callBackFn(status, response) {
   if (status == 200) {
      response[0].payer_costs.forEach( payerCost => {

In V2 this method is a promise and receives an object as a parameter containing the amount, the bin and the paymentTypeId where the paymentTypeId must always receive the value credit_card.

  • V2


async function getInstallments(paymentMethodId, bin) {
    const installments = await mp.getInstallments({
        amount: document.getElementById('transactionAmount').value,
        paymentTypeId: 'credit_card'

Create card token

Finally, in the form's submit, the token is generated and sent to the backend and this continues to work partially the same, just a few changes to the invocations and the names of the methods.

The token creation method also had a name change, in V1 it was createToken and in V2 it is createCardToken.

In V1, the createToken method received two parameters, the form, and the callback function that is executed at the end of the token creation.

  • V1


window.Mercadopago.createToken($form, setCardTokenAndPay);

In V2, the method receives an object containing the cardholderName, identificationType and identificationNumber, and this method returns a promise with the token.

  • V2


async function createCardToken(){
    const token = await mp.fields.createCardToken({

Send payment

Now with the token in hand, just add the token to the form and submit it, as explained in the documentation of Integration via Core Methods.

Implementation example:


doSubmit = false;
document.getElementById('paymentForm').addEventListener('submit', getCardToken);

async function getCardToken(event) {
    if (!doSubmit) {
        let $form = document.getElementById('paymentForm');
        const token = await mp.fields.createCardToken({
            cardholderName: document.getElementById('cardholderName').value,
            identificationType: document.getElementById('docType').value,
            identificationNumber: document.getElementById('docNumber').value,

function setCardTokenAndPay(token) {
    let form = document.getElementById('paymentForm');
    let card = document.createElement('input');
    card.setAttribute('name', 'token');
    card.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
    card.setAttribute('value', token);
    doSubmit = true;
For more information, go to Documentation for JS SDK V2 with Secure Fields. In addition, we provide a complete example migration in source code with comments you can use as model.

Other alternatives

There are two other implementation alternatives that do not include core methods, which were the methods discussed in this article, and both alternatives are as safe as using core methods. See below for these alternatives.


The integration of card payments is done via cardform. In this integration mode, MercadoPago.js is responsible for the flows necessary to obtain the information required to create a payment. When initialized, a search is performed to collect the types of documents available for the country in question. Check out Checkout API documentation for more information.

Checkout Bricks

Checkout Bricks is a set of UI modules that come front-end ready and are optimized for better usability and conversion. Each Brick can be used independently or together, forming a complete checkout experience. Check out Checkout Bricks documentation for more information.