Params Error. - If this error appears, please verify the parameters sent in the request.
Token must be for test. - If this error occurs, ensure you are using a test token.
The name of the following parameters is wrong [additional_info.payer.test] - This error is displayed when the name of a certain parameter is entered incorrectly. In this example, the `additional_info.payer` field. Review the parameter returned in the error and ensure that the information entered is correct.
The following parameters must be valid date and format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz) date_of_expiration. - If this error arises, ensure the date_of_expiration is in the correct format.
Number of rows exceeded the limits. - If you encounter this error, reduce the number of rows in your request.
Customer not found. - Verify the customer details and try again if you encounter this error.
POST to Gateway Transactions API fail. - If this error occurs, check the API endpoint and try again.
Card Token not found. - If you see this error, ensure the card token is correct and valid.
Connection to Card Token API fail. - Check your network connection and try again if this error appears.
Card token issuer can't be null. - Ensure that the card token issuer is provided if this error occurs.
Invalid users involved. - If this error appears, ensure that all involved users are either productive or test users. Additionally, verify that the sponsor_id (if applicable) is correct and try again.
You cannot use `application_fee` with this payment. - This error occurs because the Access Token being used was not obtained via OAuth. Make sure to use an Access Token generated through OAuth.
Invalid card token. - Ensure that the card token provided is valid and correct if this error occurs.
Invalid user identification number. - Verify the user identification number and try again if you encounter this error.
Invalid value for transaction_amount. - Ensure that the transaction_amount is valid if this error appears.
Deferred capture not supported. - If this error occurs, note that deferred capture is not supported and adjust your request accordingly.
Invalid operators users involved. - If you see this error, verify the operators involved in the transaction.
Cannot infer Payment Method. - Verify that the `payment_method` field is correctly filled out and matches the payment method used, as well as the number of installments (`installments`).
Invalid test user email. - This error occurs when the attribute is sent using a non-test email while you are in a testing environment (e.g., using an email If you encounter this error, check that you are indeed in a testing environment and, if so, use an email as specified.
You must provide your cardholder_name with your card data. - If this error occurs, include the cardholder_name in your request.
You must provide your cardissuer_id with your card data. - If you encounter this error, ensure the cardissuer_id is included in your request.
Invalid card_token_id. - Ensure that the card_token_id is correct and has not been previously used. Try again.
Invalid parameter site_id. - If this error occurs, ensure the site_id is valid and correctly formatted.
Not valid action, the resource is in a state that does not allow this operation. For more information see the state that has the resource. - If you see this error, check the state of the resource and adjust your request accordingly.
Invalid parameter cardtoken_id. - Ensure the cardtoken_id is correct and try again if this error appears.
The parameter client_id cannot be null or empty. - If this error occurs, provide a valid client_id.
Not found Cardtoken. - Verify the cardtoken information and try again if this error appears.
Unauthorized client_id. - If this error occurs, check the client_id permissions and try again.
Not found card on whitelist. - Ensure the card is on the whitelist if this error appears.
Not found payment_method. - Verify the payment_method information and try again if this error occurs.
Invalid parameter security_code_length. - Ensure the security_code_length parameter is correct if this error appears.
The parameter security_code is a required field and cannot be null or empty. - If this error occurs, provide the security_code parameter.
Invalid parameter payment_method. - Ensure the payment_method parameter is correct if this error appears.
Invalid parameter card_number_length. - If this error occurs, ensure the card_number_length parameter is correct.
Invalid parameter card_number. - Verify the card_number parameter and try again if this error appears.
The parameter card_number_id cannot be null or empty. - Ensure the card_number_id parameter is provided if this error occurs.
The parameter expiration_month cannot be null or empty. - Provide the expiration_month parameter if this error occurs.
The parameter expiration_year cannot be null or empty. - Ensure the expiration_year parameter is provided if this error appears.
The parameter cannot be null or empty. - Provide the parameter if this error occurs.
The parameter cardholder.document.number cannot be null or empty. - Ensure the cardholder.document.number parameter is provided if this error appears.
The parameter cardholder.document.type cannot be null or empty. - Provide the cardholder.document.type parameter if this error occurs.
The parameter cardholder.document.subtype cannot be null or empty. - Ensure the cardholder.document.subtype parameter is provided if this error appears.
Not valid action - partial refund unsupported for this transaction. - If this error occurs, note that partial refunds are not supported for this transaction.
Invalid Auth Code. - Verify the Auth Code and try again if this error appears.
Invalid card_id for this payment_method_id. - Ensure the card_id matches the payment_method_id if this error occurs.
Invalid payment_type_id. - If this error appears, verify the payment_type_id and try again.
Invalid payment_method_id. - Verify the payment_method_id and try again if this error occurs.
Invalid card expiration month. - Ensure the card expiration month is valid if this error appears.
Invalid card expiration year. - If this error occurs, verify the card expiration year and try again.
Secure_code_id can't be null. - Ensure the secure_code_id is provided if this error appears.
Invalid security_code_length 3033 3034 - Invalid card_number_validation. - If this error occurs, verify the security_code_length and card_number_validation.
Token attribute can't be null. - Ensure the token attribute is provided if this error appears.
Payment_method_id attribute can't be null. - If this error occurs, provide the payment_method_id attribute.
Transaction_amount attribute can't be null. - Ensure the transaction_amount attribute is provided if this error appears.
Transaction_amount attribute must be numeric. - Verify the transaction_amount is numeric if this error occurs.
Installments attribute can't be null. - If this error appears, ensure the installments attribute is provided.
Installments attribute must be numeric. - Ensure the installments attribute is numeric if this error occurs.
Payer attribute is malformed. - Verify the payer attribute is correctly formatted if this error appears.
4012 attribute can't be null. - If this error appears, ensure the attribute is provided.
Payer.type attribute can't be null. - Ensure the payer.type attribute is provided if this error occurs.
Payment_method_reference_id attribute can't be null. - Provide the payment_method_reference_id attribute if this error appears.
Payment_method_reference_id attribute must be numeric. - Ensure the payment_method_reference_id attribute is numeric if this error occurs.
Status attribute can't be null. - If this error appears, ensure the status attribute is provided.
Payment_id attribute can't be null. - Provide the payment_id attribute if this error occurs.
Payment_id attribute must be numeric. - Ensure the payment_id attribute is numeric if this error appears.
Notification_url attribute must be a valid URL. - If this error occurs, provide a valid URL for the `notification_url` attribute that starts with `https://`.
Notification_url attribute must be shorter than 500 characters. - Ensure the notification_url attribute is within the character limit if this error appears.
Metadata attribute must be a valid JSON. - If this error occurs, ensure the metadata attribute is a valid JSON.
Transaction_amount attribute can't be null. - Provide the transaction_amount attribute if this error appears.
Transaction_amount attribute must be numeric. - Ensure the transaction_amount attribute is numeric if this error occurs.
Refund_id can't be null. - Provide the refund_id if this error appears.
Invalid coupon_amount. - Verify the coupon_amount is correct if this error occurs.
Campaign_id attribute must be numeric. - Ensure the campaign_id attribute is numeric if this error appears.
Coupon_amount attribute must be numeric. - Verify the coupon_amount attribute is numeric if this error occurs.
Invalid payer type. - Ensure the payer type is valid if this error appears.
Invalid installments. - Verify the installments parameter is correct if this error occurs.
Invalid transaction_amount. - Ensure the transaction_amount is valid if this error appears.
Application_fee cannot be bigger than transaction_amount. - If this error occurs, ensure the application_fee is less than or equal to the transaction_amount.
Application_fee cannot be a negative value. - Ensure the application_fee is a positive value if this error appears.
4050 must be a valid email. - If this error occurs, ensure the is a valid email address.
4051 must be shorter than 254 characters. - Ensure the is within the character limit if this error appears.
Header X-Idempotency-Key can’t be null. - Provide a valid X-Idempotency-Key header if this error occurs.
User unavailable. - If this error appears, check the user status and try again.
Invalid expiration date. - Ensure the expiration date is valid if this error occurs.
Unauthorized use of live credentials
This error occurs when the access token does not have the required 'payment' scope. Verify that the credentials are correct and have the appropriate permissions.
The caller is not authorized to access this resource. - If this error occurs, verify your access permissions.
The caller is not authorized to perform this action. - If you see this error, ensure you have the necessary permissions to perform this action.
blocked_by PolicyAgent - At least one policy returned unauthorized - This error occurs when at least one policy returns 'unauthorized'. This can happen if the `authorization` header is removed during the request or if the Access Token is not sent. Please verify the submission of this information and try making a new request.
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